Welcome to No Dice; this week, Jamie, Amy, Adam and Oli take an IRL short rest from the main campaign. To make it up to you, you can win stuff just for listening to an old episode of the show! Full terms and conditions for the competition are below:
Competition Prize: 1 x Official Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Player’s Handbook / 1 x set of polyhedral dice / 1 x dice tray / 1 x notebook
Competition Question: In Episode 1 of Dice With Death: Big Squiddy Energy, what was the gang name that squiddy came up with for Aark, Zakaiya and Titus?
Competition Rules:
- To enter, Tweet us @dicedeathpod with the correct answer including the hashtag #BigSquiddyEnergy
- Competition is open from 2am BST Tuesday 28th June 2022, and closes at 23:59 BST Friday 8th July 2022
- You must be 16 years old or over to enter this competition
- Answers sent to any social media platform other than Twitter will not be counted
- Answers sent after the closing date will not be counted
Competition Prize Draw: a single winner will be drawn on Saturday 9th July 2022, and the winner will receive their prize within 56 days from the date of the prize draw
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Visit our website: www.dicewithdeathpodcast.com